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The Propeller 1 (P8X32A) is now a 100% open multicore microcontroller, including all of the hardware and tools: Verilog code, Spin interpreter, PropellerIDE and SimpleIDE programming tools, and compilers. The Propeller 1 may be the most open chip in its class.

We have decided to provide these free open source files for the following reasons:

  • To inspire others to learn and create — that has always been the key mission of Parallax. Every inventor, engineer, or hobbyist can identify the inspirations that shaped their careers. We hope to inspire others the same way we’ve been inspired.
  • To equip and support higher education. Parallax university customers have expressed interest in using our core in their FPGA programming courses. Parallax distributors and universities have asked about modifying the Verilog to add more pins or to simply study the design.
  • To open up the Propeller design to community contributors. Our compilers, programming tools, languages, and some of the Propeller 2 design features were created by the community. Supporting and honoring their efforts is a top priority for Parallax.

Above all, we hope that our free software will give you the freedom to innovate with Parallax!

– Ken Gracey, CEO, Parallax Inc.

Propeller 1 Verilog to FPGA

GNU General Public License v3.0 Applies

All files provided are Copyright 2014 Parallax Inc. and distributed under the GNU General Public License v3.0. A copy of this license is included with the download, below. The GPL license grants end users the freedom to use and modify the software provided it is copylefted to ensure that any derived works are distributed under the same license terms.

The programming tools PropellerIDE (Spin/ASM) and SimpleIDE (C) are also open source. These two programming environments comply with applicable licenses distributed with their source code.

What FPGA Boards are Needed and What’s Included in the Propeller 1 Design Files?

The Propeller 1 file set consists of the Verilog files and top-level HDL that lets you run the design on two FPGA board options:

A ReadMe.txt provides an overview of all the files. Documentation on the DE0-Nano and DE2-115 product pages show how to install the Propeller core in these boards.

Once loaded into the FPGA, the Propeller can be programmed just like any of our development boards. You’ll be downloading to RAM but you could also connect an external EEPROM for storing programs in non-volatile memory.

Parallax has our own Altera Cyclone V Development Board design in process. Our FPGA board will support both Propeller 1 and 2 designs.

Propeller 1 Design Files

Parallax releases these files without corporate support or warranty for any particular purpose. We believe our forum members will be able to provide some explanation for those interested in the Verilog code. We’ve created an Open Propeller Project in our forums specifically for the Propeller 1 Verilog user.

Tray of Propeller 1 Chips
